Crypto Deified Sagas…

Cyber Strategy Institute
7 min readOct 1, 2021

The Largest Wealth Transfer in Human History — Is not what you are thinking…

Strategic Truths about the Wealth Transfer from Crypto Perspective

First, understand that this transfer is not from the Rich to everyone else. It’s from everyone else to the rich for a final consolidation of resources and capital to solidify complete control.

Informal Economy

For context, at no other time in history has our informal trading, selling, borrowing mechanisms gone from a decentralized view to being centralized…think of your local bazaar, flea market, garage sells have been moved to eBay, Alibaba and Amazon. Your local eating places and street vendors are being shut down and only franchise restaurants are seemly being allowed to remain open. The informal economy is being systematically destroyed and replaced, with Web 2.0 and soon to be Web 3.0 in our Crypto world.

Crypto will get you Rich

A typical response might be that we are getting rich, look there are many examples being highlighted. However, the opportunities are shrinking to niche groups and percentages are smaller than ever, all the while your wealth is being extracted through price manipulation usually described as market fluctuations (aka. Pump and dumps).

The allure of getting rich fast in Crypto is highlighted all around us, like CEXs making it easy with 100X leverage, where we have been seeing the largest liquidations ever seen before due to “market fluctuations”. But they also say, hodl and you will make money. True, but with CT, Youtube, Narrative changes and “market fluctuations” they are creating many psychological temptations to make you believe this is not a good strategy.

The other side, tells you that if you are holding you are losing value by questioning your resolve to not sell at the top and buy at the bottom and sighting the opposite arguments, creating a tremendous amount of FOMO.

The other great battle is between “Bears and Bulls”, the illusion of battling it out over where BTC or your favorite token will go up or down. Knowing that since everything is linked to BTC either directly or indirectly (very few exceptions), that you only need to manipulate a single token vs thousands or even tens of thousands.

Centralized Control

Making things even more centralized than the Wall Street and global stock markets, where each entity stands alone or at best in an industry, ETF or a fund. Today, it's hard to take down the individual stock price of hundreds, thousands of listed companies on centralized exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, Hong Kong Exchange, London Stock Exchange, NIKKEI, etc…

In the Crypto world, all roads lead to 1 token…BTC. This makes manipulation of the entire market much easier than trying to spread FUD across the world. Now all they have to do is target a single exchange, hunt for liquidity, leveraged traders and liquidate the consumer's leveraged hands and start a cascade of liquidations. The centralized exchanges (CEXs), exacerbate this problem by always dropping during these events, making sure traders can’t get onto the platforms to change their risk tolerance before it hits their levels. This is why we always see the elevator on the way down, and we have to use the stairs to get back up. They also use the futures market to suppress prices as well.

Isolation is the Key to Control

It’s just like the segmentation of society on the political front and literally all issues we are pushed into thinking about that creates a reaction out of us, we only have two choices (e.g. black and white), when in reality life is always gray and there are literally millions of choices.

But the reason we like black or white is that we get cognitive overload with all the choices, whether they are logical or not is another squirrel hunting adventure.

This is done in Crypto as well, with our BTC Maxis, ETH Maxis, are fellow supporters of tokens like ADA, LINK “Marines”, Rune “Asgardians”, just about all tokens try to create this concept to build a loyal following. Some are more successful than others, but the challenge is that this approach isolates many, some may counter with our “conviction” that separates us. Some think it is blind faith and discard valid reasons that a certain project will do well. These responses only isolate us further and when FUD gets introduced, it leads us to trigger our biases centered around the FUD event.

Welcome to gray land, where our adventure at present is leading us down a path of what you think is going to be good but will actually lead to a more desperate, starving and controlled life than what you are seeing today around you.

Fiat Rug Pull…Debt, Taxes & Inflation

All centered around the financial system that is extracting more human effort and time than ever before, because of the fiat money printing and the USD inflation, making every dollar we make today worthless as they print more. The foundation is extremely shaky at the moment. I wonder why we made more millionaires during the last two years…I wonder how that could happen?

US Federal Reserve (Private Company) Issuing Debt to Economy

US Dollar Economy Inflation (real number should be much higher based on above…takes time to full get into the system).

US Public Debt

US Federal Debt from 1900–2021

US Federal Tax Revenue

US Inflation

It's important to understand how easy this can all collapse, thus I recommend watching Crypto Casey’s 3 part series.

Crypto Casey’s 3 — Part Series on “The House of Cards”

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Everywhere is a little different, but the concept of control is simple: leverage all means possible either directly or indirectly. One of Sun Tzu’s more famous Strategic Truths™ is “winning the War before it has even ever been fought”. But let’s run through a few concepts and do some word association with them to capture some Strategic Truths™ about Crypto and what is happening around you.

Strategic Truths in Crypto through the eyes of Sun Tzu

  • Any and all warfare is based on deception. — Scam wicks on charts, Wycoff models, pattern trading…
  • The opponent must believe that your state is in the complete opposite of what it actually is. — FUD and narratives
  • Have bait, fake chaos, annihilate. Be passive in certain situations and wait for opportunity. — accumulation zones, but watch out for too high leverage in either direction…whales will go after that liquidity (your $)
  • Separate what is united, it will lead to inevitable weakness. — ESG, China, Mining Centralized, Gas Fees, Regulatory FUD, etc….
  • Prolonged fighting leads to dull armor AND enthusiasm — nobody will benefit from it. — upon accumulation after EFTs are released…global elite will send the prices beyond our conservative thoughts to put the assets out of reach of 99% of the global populace.
  • Many times quick and “stupid” execution beats lengthy and thoroughly-planned out actions. — DeFi, NFTs and meme tokens!
  • You must experience to understand. — To maximize your gains you will need to get into the trenches and get bloody, learn, make connections and above all actually try to use this tech!
  • Controlling a mass is no different from controlling a small group. Divide them up correctly. — Narratives, Narratives, Narratives….L1s, NFTs, DeFi, Payments, Lending, Eth killers, Eth flipping BTC, BNB flipping Eth, Gaming, etc…

Remember that this transfer is not from the rich to everyone else. It’s from everyone else to the rich for a final consolidation of resources and capital to solidify complete control. They are leveraging all aspects of the financial system and realize the current system is about to collapse, they are using Crypto as their off-ramp. Capital is fluid in this space, and is being rotated between the people and the elite. They need this innovation to ensure no seams, gaps or fissures exist when full control can be engaged. By allowing the people to believe there is hope and encouraging building in the space is needed to drive the innovation required to pull off the Great Reset that is upon us.

Next we will look at a couple of specific examples of this consolidation so that you have some clear examples. We will look at a couple of narratives and reveal one villain of these sagas.

Feel free to leave your feelings about my predictions. But remember…this is Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 — Crypto Rotator Sagas

Part 3 — Crypto Tenet Sagas

About Cyber Strategy Institute

Was established to provide clarity in the Cyber Domain, especially centered around Strategy and Decision-Making. After developing a Cyber Strategy Truths Strategic Framework, it clearly clarified that current approaches by organizations and their leaders are failing. That to deliver a real secure future will be through leveraging blockchains and incentivizing everyone’s time and value.

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